Annie Nicholas writes paranormal and science fiction romance. Read about her hot vampire thrillers, werewolf romantic stories, alpha shifter and sexy alien romance.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

What the Heck is Wrong with the Weather

It’s forty degrees in Florida and fifty in Vermont. All my snow has melted and I’m thinking about gardening but it’s March. I’ve never gardened in March.

I find myself worrying about the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. They are predicting a third one in the North West hemisphere due to those shifts. That means Alaska, California, or Hawaii. The Chile one may have shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day according to NASA by 3 seconds. Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation much like an ice skater spinning and holding out there arms. The further from their bodies the slower the spin, the same thing applies to our planet.

I understand these new changes are not affecting the weather today but how will it change in the long run?

Global temperatures increased for twenty years from the late 1970s to the late 1990s but have been cooling the last eleven years. The global warming and subsequent cooling were predictable due to hundreds of years of trends and observation of the impact of variations in solar activity on global temperature.

Did you know that the Roman Period and Medieval Period were both several degrees warmer than today's temperature. The world then cooled at least four degrees from 1450 to 1850. This period was called the Little Ice Age (a period of glacial advance, the same glaciers that are in retreat today). These temperature variations were not caused by man. They were caused entirely by natural forces.

Nothing is within our control and we can adapt. I’ve spent hours researching weather patterns, trends, and earthquakes. What did I learn?

Shit happens. Deal.

The things I worry about today, people worried about them twenty years ago. I read articles about odd weather in France where the amount of rain that down poured on them poisoned the Seine and the river got clogged by three tons of dead fish. *gasp* I checked the date. It happened over a decade ago. *sigh* Weird things happen. I wish they didn’t but I’ll stop obsessing about it now and go plan my garden.


BrennaLyons said...

Absolutely. A lot of things beyond our control affect weather, including solar flares, shifts in mass, and so forth. There are animals (like many corals) that die off with just a few degrees of change in temperature, but if the Earth has changed temperature so many times, what does that say? That the Earth adapts and continues on.


Pauline said...

Yeah worrying about climate change is a waste of energy. Life happens and we need to live the best we can and do as much as we can to make our corner of it kinder and better. :-)

susan said...

we can't control the weather or whatever it brings but we still won't stop complaining about it as it's human nature to do so. I take one day at a time and face whatever the day bring. I used to worry but it's just not worth it anymore. susan L.

Annie Nicholas said...

Mind you I still believe in recycling and lowering fossil fuel use. Not so much for global warming per say but for the over all enviroment.

BrennaLyons said...

Oh...absolutely. I'd have to agree with that one. If I had the money for it, I'd have solar like I did in VA Beach, probably a wind tower in the yard, geo-thermal heat... And when I live in a place that recycles everything, I do. In fact, we've started composting again.


Barton Paul Levenson said...

I'm afraid I have to disagree with nearly everything you say here. We have not been cooling for the last eleven years. The Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Periods were not global and were not warming than today. We can, and are, affecting global climate; the trick is to stop doing it accidentally and do it intelligently. For more details, try my climatology web site:

Barton Paul Levenson said...

Sorry, I meant "warmer than today" above, of course.

BrennaLyons said...

I don't think any of us said we have NO effect on the weather, but we have a heck of a lot less effect than some scientists say we have. If you read some of their interviews, they are fond of ignoring the natural shifts that occur completely. It amazes me that they sometimes ignore things that were proven decades ago. That's not good science.


Annie Nicholas said...

Barton, I'm just going to agree to disagree. I really did research this blog because of my growing concerns.

Play nice, everyone.

Sandy said...

Last night I was watching the science channel. They were talking about the Rockies (both in our country and in Canada) and saying two thousand years ago there was more ice and snow on them than now. The snows from the Rockies feed reservoirs to give the people water year round.

I wonder what another two thousand years will bring?

J Hali Steele said...

Well, I will only say growing up (a few decades ago) I remember longer, nicer summers--I want them back!! And I recycle because I should.

Annie Nicholas said...

Joann, me too! Where did it all go?