Annie Nicholas writes paranormal and science fiction romance. Read about her hot vampire thrillers, werewolf romantic stories, alpha shifter and sexy alien romance.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's All in the Kiss

Welcome to the New Years Eve Blog Hop 2011! If you've fallen off the bus click HERE.

All romances start with one of the simplest, yet the most life changing, meaningful thing that a person can do.


 It means so many things. A mother's light kiss on a sleeping child's head, a press of the lips on a woman's wrist, an eager crush of two mouths, a tender brush on a someone's cheek.  I love to write about 'the kiss'. What other non-lethal action makes a person want to melt to the floor, pine for someone, or ease pain?

Here is my homage. 

The "I want you" kiss

The "Don't Leave Me" or "Don't Forget Me" kiss

The "I think you're sexy" kiss
The "vampire" kiss

The "I  love you so much" kiss

The "spiderman" kiss

picture by Aaron Rohde

The "New Year's Eve" kiss

My most memorable kiss was a simple thing. My DH leaned over and kissed me on the forehead out of the blue on day. I was O-o but then I was awwww. *blush*

Do you have a special kiss? 


Carol L. said...

Hi Annie,
Nice homage to the Kiss.
Thanks for participating and Happy New Year
Carol L

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. Great Post!!!

Sandra Sookoo said...

I like the surprise kisses for no reason :-)

Lisa J said...

Any kiss from someone you love is a great kiss.

rock7roll said...

The I Love you kiss is the best for me. But a any kiss from someone you care for is a great kiss. Happy New Year, and may you have many kisses.

Darkreader said...

I would love a Vampire Kiss!
but I'll take the I Love You Kiss!

rbooth43 said...

A Rocking New Year 2011!

Susan said...

Oh, I'd love an 'I love you kiss', but these days, pretty much any kiss would do LOL.

Unknown said...

nice post! happy new year!

katsrus said...

I love the surprise kiss. Happy New Year.
Sue Brandes

Judy said...

Happy New Year!!! I really enjoyed your post on kissing!! I love kissing:) It doesn't matter if it is just a quick peck or a deep tongue, they are all pleasurable.

Cassandra Carr said...

Love the pictures, esp the one of the guy hanging out of the window!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! The surprise kiss. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Forgot my email.

Rae M. said...

I do have to admit I like the I think you're sexy kiss. Of course that could be because it could also be the "vampire kiss" too!

Thanks for the homage!
Happy New Year!


Jayel Kaye said...

Great post

Jolene and Family said...

I loved this post. My fav. kind of kiss is "the first kiss" The one where you drop all your walls and finally let the other person know how much you want them. I still remember the first time my husband kissed me~

D. F. Krieger said...

I'm the most familiar with the "Don't forget me" kiss. My husband is in the Navy; I don't think I have to go any further. My favorite kiss, though, is the "I love you kiss" which we do any time he comes home from work!

The Scarf Princess said...

Great theme to your post! And your favorite is a sweet choice. My most memorable was the first one I ever received, way back in grade school. It was from a boy who I thought was just a friend until he kissed me one day and asked to be my boyfriend. I think we lasted a whole three months with a very painless break-up.

I look forward to your 2011 book releases! Happy New Year!

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Frostedbetty said...

I love getting neck kisses from my hubby out of the blue :) Those are my favorite kisses. Great blog post. Happy New Year!

Savannah Chase said...

What a great post..I think a kiss is special no matter what type it is...

*yadkny* said...

Awesome post!


Brandy B aka Brandlwyne said...

Hi, I think a nice simple but hot "I love you Kiss" would be my favorite....

Happy New Years


I like the kiss where they are not thinking but just lend over and give you a peck.


Cindy W. said...

My most memorable kiss was the first one I shared with my husband!

Happy New Year!
Cindy W.


Xakara said...

Wonderful celebration of the kiss!

My favorite is the "come here and kiss me" kiss *smile*

Happy New Year!


wanda f said...

Surprise kisses are awesome .Great post

makeetis said...

I don't have a special kiss but I love the passionate ones!!

Fedora said...

Lovely set of kisses, Annie! The ones that make me laugh these days are the ones my youngest tries to plant on me when he's trying to cheer me up--it totally works! :)

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Cathy M said...

Great post. I agree that every kiss is special.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Pamk said...

nice homage. Happy new year.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love to want you kisses, great post and Happy New year


Gabrielle Lee said...

nice post. No great kisses for me yet.

Elena Gray said...

I love the kisses from my little guys!! They're the sweetest!


Gail R said...

My favorite kiss is the passionate kiss!

Sherry said...

Love the pictures and the post.

Virginia said...

I like the kisses that just make me melt. Neat idea with the kisses post! :D

Unknown said...

I love the "if you don't kiss me, I'm gonna stop breathing" kiss. You know the one, it makes your toes curl.

Happy New Year


Jason said...

happy new year!


An Open Book said...

Kisses are the ultimate way to show affection- from the deepest passionate ones to the sweetest brush across the cheek

dawne.prochilo@yahoo dot com

VenusBookluvr said...

I'm a fan of the soft butterfly kisses and the I can't get enough of you bone melting kisses.

What a sweet post!!

venusbookluvr AT

Beth said...

Great post.
Love the kisses that start out gentle and sweet, but then explode with heat. The kind you don't want to ever end.


Caffey said...

Oh love the special kiss pics! Mine was in a park with then boyfriend and we both were talking about not being able to be without each other and we both said we wanted to have the rest of our life together and kissed. We been married 27 and 1/2 years now. Its just as beautiful as then.

Happy new years!
cathiecaffey @